An SEO Website Design Guide to Boosting Your Online Presence

Given the significance of search engine optimization (SEO) web design, let’s dive into the how. To ensure that incorporating these 8 items is a pleasant experience, keep SEO in mind from the very beginning of the process of developing a website. And besides, you would rather not waste time having your web developers build the whole site merely to have your SEO company destroy it later. Collaboration between the two groups during design saves time and effort throughout the project.

The Google search algorithm takes into account over two hundred signals when determining a site’s position in the search results. A single designer can rarely think of everything. Instead, you should concentrate on improving these 8 factors to boost your page rankings:

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Website Velocity
  • Sitemaps
  • Alt text
  • File names
  • Website navigation
  • URL structure Images
  • Metadata

Mobile Friendliness

In 2021, mobile devices accounted for 55% of all Internet traffic. According to forecasts, by 2025, three-quarters of the global population will rely solely on mobile phones to go online. Your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) will benefit from being responsive, and your intended viewing public will have a positive experience no matter what kind of device they use to obtain your content. Ensure you or your developers assess your webpage on multiple devices as you create it. With Google’s 2015 rollout of a mobile-friendly upgrade to their ranking algorithm, which prioritizes responsive websites, this has become crucial for search rankings.

Website Velocity

Load time also plays a role in Google’s algorithm. The reasoning is sound; after all, nobody is interested in waiting around for a website. Since this is the case, Google will not display it. Consider the following factors that may slow down your page:

  • Providing space for websites to be hosted
  • Sizes of Downloadable Files
  • Plugins
  • Coding
  • Scripts
  • Traffic per hour

Fortunately, you can check your site’s speed for free with Google’s PageSpeed Insights platform. Your website will receive a separate scoring rate for mobile and desktop devices, as well as several performance measures that will assist you in comprehending how to increase your site’s speed and, in turn, your search engine rankings.


While Google has a lot of brains, it never hurts to lend a hand. A sitemap serves this purpose admirably. Sitemaps are files that contain lists of all the resources available on a website, including web pages, documents, video files, and other media. These are useful if your website has a lot of pages but not all of them link to each other. Because of this, more of your pages will be crawled by Google and considered for the ranking. Then again, if Google can’t index your site, no one will find it.

Exactly What Does the URL Structure Entail?

Whether you’re starting from scratch or revamping an entire website, URL configuration is an integral component of the consumer experience and website design process. There is a strong correlation between the URL structure, which is the URL wording, and search engine optimisation. Improve the user’s search experience while helping the search engine robots truly understand the page’s frame of reference by using a properly optimised URL.

What Exactly is the Secret Sauce of the URL Format?

Even though the URL of a homepage might not seem important at first glance, it can have a major impact on search engine rankings. In addition to improving user and search engine experience, a logical path in the URL can help a page obtain page authority and attract organic connections from other web pages. Linking to an excessively lengthy URL, containing unnecessary figures, or having no meaningful words is annoying, no one wants that.


Legibility also plays a large role in search engine rankings. Your site visitors aren’t benefiting from your services if they can’t read the content you’ve provided for them. Websites that follow guiding principles use large, bold serif or sans serif fonts for all of their headers and copy blocks.

The Titles of Photographic Files

Despite their diminutive size, image file names can have a significant impact on a website’s search engine rankings. Home Page Header Final-2.jpg is a terrible file name, so please don’t use it. Rather, be descriptive and use keywords to help Google understand the context of the picture.

ALT Tagging

Similarly, you should use alt tags for your images. There are several factors why this matters. For one, Google returns pictures for nearly 25% of all searches. 62%  of youthful searchers prefer visual search instead of other technology, according to the data.

Through the use of alt tags, you can provide detailed information about the contents of your pictures to Google’s search engine. Your photo might be displayed in a user’s search engine results if it is relevant to their query. You ought to utilize a full sentence, with an uppercase at the start and a full stop at the end, to characterise your picture in the alt tag. As a second benefit, it makes you more available to others. Individuals who are vision impaired can still have a great time visiting your site because the images can be read by a computer program.

Website Navigation

Generally speaking, when creating a website, designers and developers think about the site’s aesthetics and how the user will interact with it. Web developers and designers are concerned with how users perceive and engage with a page’s visual components. They prefer to keep stuff as easy as possible, particularly now that users of smartphones and tablets have overtaken desktop and laptop users. Yet another vital function of your site’s browsing is to offer links within the site to your most vital goods or services or feature articles.


It is an essential element of web design and SEO. Metadata is the data that describes and provides information about other data, and it is used by search engines to understand the content of your website. The two most important types of metadata are the title tag and the meta description. The title tag appears at the top of the browser window and is also the headline that appears in search engine results. The meta description is a summary of the page content that appears underneath the title tag in search engine results.

When these two elements are well-written and optimised with relevant keywords, they can significantly improve your website’s visibility and search engine rankings. Good metadata also provides a clear and concise summary of what your website is about, which can help users understand the content and decide whether to click through to your site. In conclusion, metadata is a critical component of web design and SEO, and investing time and effort in optimising your metadata can pay off with improved website traffic and engagement. To learn what common mistakes to avoid when doing website redesign, visit Gizmo Designs.

When Constructing a URL, Why Does How You Organise the Syllables Matter?

While there are many factors to consider when optimizing a site for search engines, the URL framework should not be ignored. Finding this all too much to take in and get done in-house? Why not opt for outsourcing the entire process to professionals? Click here for more information.